Scripture Verse

Hear, and your soul shall live. Isaiah 55:3


Words: Nils Fryk­man, 1900 (Je­sus Dig Kall­ar). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by An­drew T. Fryk­man (1875–1943).

Music: Gua­jo­me Carl M. Fryk­man (1880–1930) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the orig­in­al Swed­ish ti­tle, or where to get a good pho­to of Carl Fryk­man,

Nils Frykman (1842–1911)
Courtesy of Covenant
Archives & Historical Library
Chicago, Illinois


List to the Gos­pel re­sound­ing,
Beautiful mes­sage of love;
Jesus, in mer­cy abound­ing,
Calleth for you from above.


List to the heav­en­ly voice
Tenderly urg­ing your choice;
Yield to the love of your Sav­ior,
Listen, be­lieve and re­joice.

Why not, O why not, re­pent­ing,
Turn from your pe­ril­ous course,
Ending in woe un­re­lent­ing,
Anguish, dis­grace and re­morse?


Life, like the dew of the morn­ing,
Vanisheth quick­ly away;
Death bring­eth sor­row and mourn­ing,
Wailing for­ev­er and aye.


Touched by the Spir­it so ten­der,
Calling as ev­er be­fore,
Willingly, free­ly sur­ren­der,
Open, yes, op­en your door.
