Scripture Verse

Thou shalt call thy walls Sal­va­tion and thy gates Praise. Isaiah 60:18


Edward Hodges

Words: Will­iam Cow­per, Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: W. Ol­iv­er, 1779), Book 1, num­ber 65. The fu­ture peace and glo­ry of the church.

Music: Ode an die Freude from the 9th Sym­pho­ny of Lud­wig van Beet­ho­ven, 1824. Ar­ranged by Ed­ward Hodg­es, 1864 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Cowper


Hear what God the Lord hath spok­en,
“O my peo­ple, faint and few,
Comfortless, af­flict­ed, brok­en,
Fair abodes I build for you:
Themes of heart­felt tri­bu­la­tion
Shall no more per­plex your ways;
You shall name your walls, Sal­va­tion,
And your gates shall all be praise.

“There, like streams that feed the gar­den,
Pleasures, with­out end, shall flow,
For the Lord, your faith re­ward­ing,
All His boun­ty shall be­stow;
Still in un­dis­turb­ed pos­ses­sion
Peace and right­eous­ness shall reign;
Never shall you feel op­press­ion,
Hear the voice of war again.

Ye no more your suns des­cend­ing,
Waning moons no more shall see;
But your griefs for­ev­er end­ing,
Find eter­nal noon in Me:
God shall rise, and shin­ing o’er you,
Change to day the gloom of night;
He, the Lord, shall be your glo­ry,
God your ev­er­last­ing light.