Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
Lo! an angel host descending
Thro’ the starry sky so blue;
Shepherds low in fear are bending,
Listening to the story true.
See! His star is shining o’er you,
And the way is bright before you;
Go and seek the promised Savior
Born today in Bethlehem.
Hear the angels singing,
As their flight they’re winging,
Glory in the highest!
Glory be to God on high!
Hear the angels singing,
Hear the glad notes ringing
Glory in the highest!
Glory be to God on high!
Glory in the highest glory!
Unto you a child is born
Tell to all the wondrous story
Of His birth this holy morn.
Still the angel host is singing;
O’er the hills the notes resound;
Joy to all the nations bringing,
Where the curse of sin is found.