Scripture Verse

Thy will be done. Matthew 6:10


Words: George Ben­nard, 1910.

Music: Le­vi George Ben­nard (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Bennard (1873–1958)


Jesus, see me at Thy feet,
With my sac­ri­fice com­plete;
I am bring­ing all to Thee,
Thine alone I’ll be.


Have Thy way, Lord, have Thy way,
This with all my heart I say;
I’ll obey Thee, come what may;
Dear Lord, have Thy way.

O how pa­tient Thou hast been
With my pride and in­bred sin!
O what mer­cy Thou hast shown,
Grace and love un­known!


Lord, I loathe my­self and sin,
Enter now and make me clean;
Make my heart just like Thine own;
Come, Lord, take Thy throne.


Lord, Thy love has won my all,
Let Thy Spir­it on me fall;
Burn up ev­ery trace of sin;
Make me pure with­in.


Praise the Lord, the work is done!
Praise the Lord, the vic­to­ry’s won!
Now the blood is cleans­ing me,
From all sin I’m free.
