Scripture Verse

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Lizzie DeArmond (1847–1936)

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Words: Liz­zie De­Ar­mond, 1911.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals show the com­pos­er as J. C. Will­iams, one of Ga­bri­el’s pseu­do­nyms.

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Hasten, loy­al mor­tals,
Onward to the star,
See its beams of glo­ry
Beckon from afar;
Past, the night of splen­dor,
Dawns the pro­mised morn;
Come re­joic­ing, prais­es voic­ing,
Christ is born.


Marching forward,
Following the star,
Shining, beam­ing
Brightly gleam­ing
From the east­ern skies afar;
Joyful prais­es sing­ing all the way!
Swell the sweet un­dy­ing
Song of Christ­mas Day.

March with joy and glad­ness,
Countless voic­es ring,
Angels high in glo­ry
Worshiping the King;
Hail the Child of bless­ing,
Joy of all the earth;
Watch-fires gleam­ing,
Starlight beam­ing,
Greet His birth.


Hasten, loy­al mor­tals,
Seek the man­ger shrine,
Bring your pre­cious trea­sures
To the Lord di­vine;
Soon the great Mes­si­ah
Shall your eyes be­hold;
Homage ren­der, sweet and ten­der,
Love’s pure gold.
