Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
Acts 2:38
Words: Anonymous, in Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs, edited by Joshua Smith & Samuel Sleeper (Portsmouth, New Hampshire: John Melcher, 1794), page 33, alt.
Music: New Britain, Virginia Harmony, by James P. Carrell & David S. Clayton (Winchester, Virginia: 1831) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Hark! hear the sound, on earth ’tis found;
My soul delights to hear
Of dying love, sent from above,
Of pardon bought so dear.
God’s ministers, like flames of fire
Are passing thro’ the land;
The voice is Hear, repent and fear,
King Jesus is at hand.
Convinced of sin, men now begin
To call upon the Lord,
Trembling they pray, and mourn the day
In which they scorned His Word.
God’s chariots roll, they fright the soul
Of those who hate the truth;
But saints who hear, cry, Lord draw near,
Have mercy on the youth!
God grant a shower of His great power
On every aching heart;
On all who sigh, and humbly cry,
That they may have a part.
Young converts sing and praise their king,
And bless God’s holy name;
While older saints lay down their complaints
And rise to join the theme.