Scripture Verse

The Gospel of the kingdom. Matthew 4:23


Hugh Bourne (1772–1852)

Words: Will­iam San­ders & Hugh Bourne, in the Col­lect­ion of Hymns for Camp Meet­ings, 1821.

Music: Rous­seau from the op­era Le De­vin du Vill­age (The Vill­age Sooth­say­er), by Jean-Jacques Rous­seau, 1752 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778)


Hark! the Gos­pel news is sound­ing:
Christ hath suf­fered on the tree;
Streams of mer­cy are abound­ing;
Grace for all is rich and free.
Now, poor sin­ner, now, poor sin­ner,
Look to Him who died for thee.

O es­cape to yon­der mount­ain!
Now be­gin to watch and pray;
Christ in­vites you to the fount­ain,
Come, and wash your sins away:
Do not tar­ry, do not tar­ry,
Come to Je­sus while you may.

Grace is flow­ing like a ri­ver;
Millions there have been sup­plied;
Still it flows as fresh as ev­er
From the Sav­ior’s wound­ed side:
None need per­ish, none need per­ish
All may live, for Christ hath died.

Christ alone shall be our por­tion;
Soon we hope to meet above—
Then we’ll bathe in the full ocean
Of the great Re­deem­er’s love;
All His full­ness, all His full­ness
We shall then for ev­er prove.