Scripture Verse

From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise. Matthew 21:16


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1890.

Music: Da­ni­el Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


Hark! hark! the song
From youth­ful voices break­ing,
Fresh from the heart its tune­ful num­bers flow;
How sweet the song
Of happy child­ren march­ing,
Praising the Sav­ior as they on­ward go.


Hark! hark! the song
Of ho­ly ado­ra­tion,
Glory to Je­sus, our eter­nal king;
Praise ye His name,
Exalt Him in the high­est,
Now and for­ev­er shall the an­them ring.

Hark! hark! the song,
The grand old sto­ry tell­ing,
Oh, how it swells and ech­oes far away;
Life, love and joy,
Through Him who hath re­deemed us,
Freely is of­fered in His name to­day.


Sing, child­ren sing;
The song you now are wak­ing,
Long, long ago on Ju­dah’s plain be­gan;
When from the sky
Was heard the mid­night chorus,
Peace from our Fa­ther and good-will to men.


Sing, child­ren sing,
’Till for­ward still ad­vanc­ing,
Rank after rank the roy­al stan­dard wave;
Sing, glad­ly sing,
The won­ders of His great­ness,
Jesus the migh­ty One, the Strong to Save.
