Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Elisha Hoffman (1839–1929)

Words: Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, The Bea­con Light (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1881), pag­es 112–13, alt.

Music: John H. Ten­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

John H. Tenney (1840–1918)


Rejoice! re­joice! the Christ­mas time is here,
The time for joy and glad­ness;
The Christ of God is come our hearts to cheer,
And ban­ish care and sad­ness.


Chime on, ye bells of glad­ness, chime!
Chime on, ye bells of glad­ness, chime!
This is the mer­ry, hap­py Christ­mas time!
This is the mer­ry, hap­py Christ­mas time!

We ga­ther round the fes­tive Christ­mas tree
And praise the Lord of Hea­ven,
That un­to us He has, in mer­cy free,
A pre­cious Sav­ior given.


This is the mer­ry, hap­py Christ­mas time,
Ring out the won­drous sto­ry;
Chime on, ye bells of joy and glad­ness, chime,
And ce­le­brate His glo­ry.
