The ransomed of the Lord shall…come to Zion with songs.
Isaiah 35:10
Words: Fanny Crosby, in the Royal Diadem (New York and Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1873), number 16.
Music: Robert Lowry (🔊 pdf nwc).
Come, let us join, with one accord,
To magnify and bless the Lord;
He kindly bends His gracious ear,
And condescends our praise to hear.
Happy songs, happy songs,
Let us sing our happy songs together;
Happy songs, happy songs,
Let us praise Him in our happy songs.
The children in the temple sang,
Till thro’ its courts their voices rang;
Nor will our tongues refuse to sing
The praises of our Savior king.
Our earthly joy, our hope of Heav’n,
By Him in tender love are giv’n;
And daily blessings from His hand,
Our highest, sweetest, praise demand.
Then let us join, with one accord,
To magnify and bless the Lord;
O may He bend His gracious ear
And condescend to meet us here.