Scripture Verse

For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10


Edith Tillotson (1876–1968)

Words: Ed­ith S. Til­lot­son, 1910.

Music: Mi­ami Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Til­lot­son,

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Hang the hol­ly gar­lands in the house of praise
Banners shin­ing bright­ly on this day we raise;
Christ the King im­mor­tal to the world is born—
Hail Him and ac­claim Him on this Christ­mas morn.


Hang the hol­ly gar­lands, make His al­tar fair,
Raise the hap­py chorus in His tem­ple there;
Christ the pro­mised Sav­ior to the world is born;
Peace, good-will and glo­ry, on this Christ­mas morn.

Hang the hol­ly gar­lands, make His tem­ple bright,
Fill His house with beau­ty and His courts with light;
Light and joy and mu­sic woke His na­tal dawn,
So we sing and praise Him on this Christ­mas morn.


Hang the hol­ly gar­lands, let them tell the tale,
Christ the King is with us, and He will pre­vail;
Gladly hail His com­ing and His house adorn,
Give Him love and hon­or on this Christ­mas morn.
