Scripture Verse

Behold, the half was not told. 1 Kings 10:7


Words: Phi­lip P. Bliss, 1870. The Half Was Nev­er Told was sug­gest­ed by read­ing notes by his dear friend and some­times fel­low la­bor­er in Gos­pel work, James M. Brooks, of St. Lou­is, up­on the Queen of She­ba’s vi­sit to So­lo­mon (Whit­tle, p. 144).

Music: Egg Rock Phi­lip P. Bliss, 1870 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


Repeat the sto­ry o’er and o’er,
Of grace so full and free;
I love to hear it more and more,
Since grace has res­cued me.
The half was nev­er told,
The half was nev­er told,
Of grace di­vine, so won­der­ful,
The half was nev­er told.

Of peace I on­ly knew the name,
Nor found my soul its rest
Until the sweet-voiced an­gel came
To soothe my wea­ry breast.
The half was nev­er told,
The half was nev­er told,
Of peace di­vine, so won­der­ful,
The half was nev­er told.

My high­est place is ly­ing low
At my Re­deem­er’s feet;
No real joy in life I know,
But in His ser­vice sweet.
The half was nev­er told,
The half was nev­er told,
Of joy di­vine, so won­der­ful,
The half was nev­er told.

And oh, what rap­ture will it be
With all the host above,
To sing through all eter­ni­ty
The won­ders of His love.
The half was nev­er told,
The half was nev­er told,
Of love di­vine, so won­der­ful,
The half was nev­er told.