Scripture Verse

The worker is worthy of his food. Matthew 10:10


Anna G. Spencer (1851–1931)

Words: An­na G. Spen­cer, Or­ders of Ser­vice for Pub­lic Wor­ship (Pro­vi­dence, Rhode Is­land: 1896).

Music: Ros­more Hen­ry G. Trem­bath, 1893 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Henry G. Trembath (1843–1908)


Hail the he­ro work­ers,
Of the migh­ty past!
They whose la­bor build­ed
All the things that last;
Thoughts of wis­est mean­ing,
Deeds of nob­lest right,
Patient toil in weak­ness,
Battle in the night;
Hail, then, no­ble work­ers,
Builders of the past,
All whose lives have blest us
With the gains that last.

Hail ye, he­ro work­ers!
Who to­day do hear
Duty’s my­ri­ad voic­es
Sounding high and clear;
Ye who quick re­spond­ing,
Haste ye to your task,
Be it grand or sim­ple,
Ye for­get to ask;
Hail ye, no­ble work­ers,
Builders of to­day,
Who life’s trea­sure ga­ther
That shall last al­way!

Hail ye, he­ro work­ers!
Ye who yet shall come,
When to this world’s call­ing
All our lips are dumb!
Ye shall build more nob­ly
If our work be true
As we pass life’s trea­sure
On from old to new.
Hail ye, then, all work­ers,
Of all lands and time,
One brave band of he­roes,
With one task sub­lime.