Scripture Verse

There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. Isaiah 11:1


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Five An­thems, Four Col­lects, Twen­ty Psalm Tunes, a Mag­ni­fi­cat & Nunc Di­mit­tis (Lon­don, Eng­land: Eli­za­beth Key, 1785), page 43.

Music: Tren­wheal Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett, Christ­mas Min­strel­sy (Lon­don: No­vel­lo, 1864), page 9 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Gauntlett
National Portrait Gallery



Hail hap­py morn, thrice hap­py we,
Who from our bond­age are set free:
From Jes­se’s line doth spring a ray,
Shall turn our dark­some night to day.


Sweet hal­le­lu­jah let us sing
To God, our Sav­ior and our king.

Hark, a glad voice the sin­ner cheers,
Prepare the way, a God ap­pears;
A God! a God! lost man to save
From hell, de­struct­ion, and the grave.


The Sav­ior’s come, by pr­ophets told,
The deaf do hear, the blind be­hold,
The dumb do speak, the dead are raised,
The lame do walk, and sing His praise.


Let no dark clouds ob­struct the morn
Whereon the Lord of life was born,
Let mor­tals join to sing His fame,
And du­ly ce­le­brate the same.
