For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Words: Alexcenah Thomas, in Sowing and Reaping, by John H. Kurzenknabe (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: J. H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, 1889), number 119.
Music: George J. Kurzenknabe (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Thomas (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Hail, hail, hail the blessèd Christmas morn;
Hail, hail, hail, the Prince of Peace is born;
The Lord of life and power,
Of wisdom, love and grace,
Has come to heal His people,
To save the fallen race.
Hail, hail, hail, let angels prostrate fall;
Hail, hail, hail, and crown Him Lord of all.
Hail, hail, hail, to Christ our infant king;
Hail, hail, hail, the choirs celestial sing;
The heav’nly host rejoices
Throughout the starry sky,
While all our happy voices
Sing praise to God on high.
Joy, joy, joy, our hearts are glad today;
Joy, joy, joy, let sorrow flee away;
For Christ, our Light was given
To banish all our woe,
And He came down from Heaven,
His love for us to show.