Scripture Verse

A friend of publicans and sinners. Matthew 11:19


John Roberts (1822–1877)

Words: Will­iam Will­iams (1717–1791) (O Iachawdwr pechaduriaid). Trans­lat­ed from Welsh to Eng­lish by Will­iam Grif­fiths (1777–1825), alt. Pub­lished in So­cial and Camp­meet­ing Songs for the Pi­ous, fourth edi­tion (Bal­ti­more, Ma­ry­land: Arm­strong & Plas­kitt, 1822), num­ber 141.

Music: Al­ex­an­der (Gwyllt) John Ro­berts (1822–1877) (🔊 pdf nwc) (re­peats pen­ul­ti­mate line of each verse).

Alternate Tune:

William Williams (1717–1791)


Great Re­deem­er, friend of sin­ners,
Thou hast won­drous pow­er to save;
Grant me grace, and still pro­tect me,
Over life’s tem­pes­tu­ous wave:
May my soul with sac­red trans­port,
View the dawn while yet afar,
And un­til the sun aris­es,
Lead me by the morn­ing star.

O! what mad­ness! O! what fol­ly,
That my heart should go as­tray;
After vain and fool­ish tri­fles,
Trifles on­ly of a day:
This vain world with all its plea­sures,
Very soon will be no more;
There’s no ob­ject worth ad­mir­ing,
But the God whom we adore.

See the hap­py spir­its wait­ing,
On the banks be­yond the stream,
Sweet re­spond­ers still re­peat­ing,
Jesus, Je­sus is their theme:
Hark! they whis­per, lo! they call me,
Sister spir­it, come away;
Lo! I come, earth can’t con­tain me,
Hail the realms of end­less day.

Swiftly roll, ye lin­ger­ing hours,
Seraphs, lend your glit­ter­ing wings;
Love ab­sorbs my ran­som powers,
Heavenly song around me rings,
Worlds of light and crowns of glo­ry,
Far above yon az­ure sky,
Only now by faith I see you;
Soon I hope to dwell on high.