All the earth is Mine.
Exodus 19:5
Words: Thomas Gibbons, Hymns Adapted to Divine Worship (London: J. Buckland, J. Johnson & J. Payne, 1769), Book 2, number 69.
Music: Aberdeen possibly by Andrew Tait, in James Chalmers’ untitled collection, 1749. Melody from Rudiments of Music, by Robert Bremner, 1756 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Great God, the nations of the earth
Are by creation Thine;
And in Thy works, by all beheld,
Thine obvious glories shine.
In day and night, in sun and showers,
Thy tender care we trace;
And providential goodness reigns
Thro’ all the human race.
But, Lord, Thy greater love has sent
Thy Gospel to mankind,
Unveiling what rich stores of grace
Are treasured in Thy mind.
Through Christ, the ransom of our souls,
With sinners Thou art pleased:
Thy flaming darts are laid aside,
Thy vengeance is appeased.
A fountain, too, Thy mercy shows
To heal the plagues of sin;
The noisome sores that taint the life,
And leprosy within.
Does not Thy Word assure our souls
Of realms of bliss on high,
That everlasting glory waits
To crown us when we die?
Does not our faith see death disarmed,
Our triumph o’er the tomb,
And dust and ashes mount the skies,
Raised in immortal bloom?
Lord, when shall these glad tidings spread
The spacious earth around,
Till every tribe, and every soul
Shall hear the joyful sound?
O when shall Afric’s sable sons
Enjoy the heav’nly Word,
And vassals long enslaved become
The freedmen of the Lord?
When shall th’untutored Indian tribes,
A dark bewildered race,
Sit down at our Emanuel’s feet,
And learn and feel His grace?
Haste, sovereign mercy, and transform
Their cruelty to love;
Soften the tiger to a lamb,
The vulture to a dove!
Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt
To spread the Gospel’s rays,
And build on sin’s demolished throne
The temples of Thy praise!
Send forth Thy Word, and let it fly
Armed with Thy Spirit’s power,
And thousands shall confess its sway,
And bless the saving hour.
Beneath the influence its grace
The barren wastes shall rise,
With sudden greens and fruits arrayed,
A blooming paradise.
Father, is not Thy promise pledged
To Thine exalted Son
That thro’ the nations of the earth
Thy Word of Life shall run?
Ask, and I give the heathen lands
For Thine inheritance,
And to the world’s remotest shores
Thine empire shall advance.
Hast Thou not said, the blinded Jews
Shall their Redeemer own,
While Gentiles to His standard crowd,
And bow before His Throne?
Are not all kingdoms, tribes, and tongues
Under th’expanse of Heav’n,
To the dominion of Thy Son
Without exemption giv’n?
From east to west, from north to south,
Then be His name adored!
Europe, with all thy millions shout,
Hosannas to the Lord.
Asia and Africa, resound
From shore to shore His fame;
And thou, America, in songs
Redeeming love proclaim.
When Jesus shall ascend His throne,
The universal King,
What boundless grace, what joys unknown
Shall His salvation bring?
True piety shall strike its root
In each regenerate heart,
Shall in a growth divine arise,
And heav’nly fruits impart,
Honor, dependence on our God,
With justice, truth, and love
Their glories thro’ our world shall spread,
As thro’ the world above.
Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch,
Her wings from shore to shore:
No trump shall rouse the rage of war,
No murderous cannon roar.
Blessings in their brightest forms
Shall thro’ the Earth abound;
With kindness shall each bosom burn,
With joy each heart shall bound.
Lord, for these days we wait: these days
Are in Thy Word foretold.
Fly swifter, sun and stars, and bring
This promised age of gold!
When Christ assumes His throne, this song
Shall thro’ the world resound:
See Jesus, who on Calvary bled,
With endless glories crowned.
He in impartial righteousness
Shall judge the saints among,
Shall bow propitious to the poor,
And vindicate their wrong.
Princes and magistrates shall peace
And equity maintain,
As hills and mountains down the vales
Diffuse th’enriching rain.
He shall relieve the sons of want
And break the tyrant’s jaws;
Ages shall upon ages roll
Crowned with His vast applause.
As showers descend in silver drops
On meadows newly mown,
So shall His sacred Spirit send
His quickening influence down.
The saints shall flourish in His days,
And peace, His dear delight,
Shall fill the world, long as the moon
Adorns the reign of night.
From clime to clime, from sea to sea
His empire shall extend,
From where Euphrates’ torrent rolls
To earth’s remotest end.
Barbarians shall their fierceness lose,
And bow before His seat,
And foes, that dared withstand His power,
Lie vanquished at His feet.
When Christ is throned on Zion’s hill,
The nations’ sovereign king,
Princes from realms, from isles remote
Shall their oblations bring.
All monarchs shall in homage bend
To His superior sway;
All people shall His statutes learn,
And joyfully obey.
The soul that cries to Him shall find
Salvation in distress;
Of hopeless grief He hears the groan,
And flies to its redress.
Widows, and orphans pined with woe,
His mercy will befriend;
From every snare, and every foe
Their threatened lives defend.
To Him the choicest stores of earth
In honor shall be giv’n,
And prayers and praises to His name,
Like incense breathe to Heav’n.
The seed, in scanty handfuls sown
Upon the mountain tops
Nourished by Heav’n’s enlivening beams,
By Heav’n’s enriching drops,
Shall in an ample harvest rise,
Shall overspread the ground,
Shall shake like Lebanon with woods
Of towering cedar crowned.
The cities, thro’ the world dispersed,
By crowds of men possessed,
Shall flourish like the blooming meads
In spring’s embroidery dressed.
Long as the sun shall rule the day
Mankind shall sound His fame:
In Him all nations shall be blest,
And all shall bless His name.
Immortal and unbounded praise
Let Israel’s God receive:
These miracles of power and grace
He only could achieve.
Now let our Lord, as summer suns,
Make haste the world to gild,
Shine all abroad till all our globe
Is with His glories filled!
Amen, with joy divine let Earth’s
Unnumbered myriads cry;
Amen, with joy divine let Heav’n’s
Unnumbered choirs reply!