The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a Son, and will call Him Emmanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
Words: Henry R. Bramley (1833–1917).
Music: A Virgin Unspotted traditional English carol (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Bramley (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
The great God of Heaven
Is come down to earth,
His mother a virgin,
And sinless His birth;
The Father eternal
His Father alone:
He sleeps in the manger;
He reigns on the throne.
Then let us adore Him,
And praise His great love:
To save us poor sinners
He came from above.
A babe on the breast
Of a maiden He lies,
Yet sits with the Father
On high in the skies;
Before Him their faces
The seraphim hide,
While Joseph stands waiting,
Unscared, by His side.
Lo! here is Emmanuel,
Here is the Child,
The Son that was promised
To Mary so mild;
Whose power and dominion
Shall ever increase,
The Prince that shall rule
O’er a kingdom of peace.
The wonderful Counselor,
Boundless in might,
The Father’s own image,
The beam of His light;
Behold Him now wearing
The likeness of man,
Weak, helpless, and speechless,
In measure a span.
O wonder of wonders,
Which none can unfold:
The Ancient of Days is
An hour or two old;
The Maker of all things
Is made of the earth,
Man is worshiped by angels,
And God comes to birth:
The word in the bliss
Of the Godhead remains,
Yet in flesh comes to suffer
The keenest of pains;
He is that He was,
And forever shall be,
But becomes that He was not,
For you and for me.