Scripture Verse

Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38


Thomas Lynch (1818–1871)

Words: Tho­mas T. Lynch, The Ri­vu­let (Lon­don: Ro­bert Theo­bald, 1855), num­ber 56.

Music: Red­head Ri­chard Red­head, 1853 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Richard Redhead (1820–1901)


Gracious Spir­it, dwell with me—
I my­self would gra­cious be,
And with words that help and heal
Would Thy life in mine re­veal;
And with act­ions bold and meek
Would for Christ my Sav­ior speak.

Truthful Spir­it, dwell with me—
I my­self would truth­ful be;
And with wis­dom kind and clear
Let Thy life in mine ap­pear;
And with act­ions bro­ther­ly
Speak my Lord’s sin­ce­ri­ty.

Tender Spir­it, dwell with me—
I my­self would ten­der be;
Shut my heart up like a flow­er,
In temp­ta­tion’s dark­some hour;
Open it when shines the sun,
And his love by frag­rance own.

Silent Spir­it, dwell with me—
I my­self would qui­et be,
Quiet as the grow­ing blade
Which through earth its way has made;
Silently, like morn­ing light,
Putting mists and chills to flight.

Mighty Spir­it, dwell with me—
I my­self would migh­ty be;
Mighty so as to pre­vail
Where un­aid­ed man must fail;
Ever by a migh­ty hope,
Pressing on and bear­ing up.

Holy Spir­it, dwell with me—
I my­self would ho­ly be;
Separate from sin, I would
Choose and cher­ish all things good;
And what­ev­er I can be
Give to Him who gave me Thee!