Scripture Verse

Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Words: Will­iam O. Bourne, in the Sab­bath School Choir, by Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (New York: Ivi­son & Phin­ney, 1857).

Music: W. D. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Bourne,


Go ye to the land
Of the ce­dar and vine,
Where the an­gels came down
From their heav­en­ly train,
Where the gar­den was fill­èd
With pre­sence divine,
And the Sav­ior has trod­den
The val­ley and plain.
For a star hath aris­en,
To shine through the gloom,
And a life break­eth forth
From the verge of the tomb.


For a star hath aris­en,
To shine through the gloom,
And a life break­eth forth
From the verge of the tomb.

Go ye to the land
Of the jew­el and gem,
Go ye to the stores
Of the ric­hest of pearl;
The light of sal­va­tion
Is giv­en to them,
There ear­ly the banner
Of glo­ry un­furl;
Oh, go to the isles
Of the ocean’s wide breast,
And tell them of Je­sus,
And Hea­ven and rest.


Go ye to the land
Of the olive, and teach
Of a peace which the world
Is not able to give;
To the flow­ery land,
Where the mes­sage shall reach
The mill­ions that wait
In the Sav­ior to live;
Go ye to the land
Of ru­by and gold,
And bid them the crown
Of re­demp­tion be­hold.


Go ye to the land
Where the Ethi­op roams,
And stretch­es his long
Fettered hand un­to God;
Oh! tell them of Hea­ven,
And point to the homes
Where ne­ver the foot
Of op­press­ions hath trod;
And the de­sert shall bloom,
And the bar­ren shall sing,
And the wil­der­ness forth
Into beau­ty shall spring.
