Scripture Verse

It is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. Matthew 18:14


Words: Jen­nie C. Good­speed, in Song Prais­es, ed­it­ed by Charles H. Ga­bri­el (Car­bon­dale, Il­li­nois: Egypt­ian Pub­lish­ing, 1906), num­ber 151.

Music: Carl Fish­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Good­speed or Fish­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Perishing souls are wait­ing
Outside the fold to­night,
Burdened with sin and sor­row,
Seeing no ray of light.
Someone go tell the sto­ry,
Pray that you make it plain:
How Je­sus died on Cal­va­ry,
To cleanse them from ev­ery stain.


Go! go! Tell them,
Tell them of Cal­va­ry;
Tell of His grace and mer­cy,
Go, tell them, His love is free.

Go to the weak, the fall­en,
Freighted with sin and shame,
Low in the dust you’ll find them,
Whisper the Sav­ior’s name.
Tell of His love so bound­less,
Deeper than any sea;
Fresh as the dew­drops fall­ing,
Go, tell them, this love is free.


Tell them, the vil­est sin­ner,
Lost in the dark­est main,
Longing to know the Fa­ther,
Calling on His dear name,
Somewhere amid the dark­ness
Touches the Sav­ior’s hand,
Feeling new life with­in him,
Earth seems like a fa­ther­land.


Then let us sing God’s prais­es,
Sing of His love to men,
How He for­gives the sin­ner,
Tell of it once again;
And when our boat is an­chored
On the eter­nal shore,
Giving to God the glo­ry,
We’ll praise Him for­ev­er­more.
