Scripture Verse

Carried by the angels. Luke 16:22


Words: John N. Brown, in The Psalm­ist, ed­it­ed by Bar­on Stow and Sam­uel F. Smith (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Gould, Ken­dall & Lin­coln, 1843). Ad­dress to the dy­ing Chris­tian.

Music: Rest (Brad­bu­ry) Wil­liam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1843 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Brown (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William Bradbury


Go, spir­it, of the saint­ed dead,
Go to thy longed for, hap­py home:
The tears of man are o’er thee shed;
The voice of an­gels bids thee come.

If life be not in length of days,
In sil­vered locks, and fur­rowed brow,
But liv­ing to the Sav­ior’s praise,
How few have lived so long as thou!

Though earth may boast one gem the less,
May not e’en Heav’n the rich­er be?
And my­ri­ads on thy foot­steps press,
To share thy blest eter­ni­ty.