Scripture Verse

In My Father’s house are many mansions. John 14:2


Words: J. Al­ex Jen­kins, 1896.

Music: Win­field S. Weed­en (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Jen­kins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Weed­en,

Winfield S. Weeden (1847–1908)


What tho’ sad may be my plight,
’Mid the dark­ness of the night,
While I grope be­neath the star­less sky;
And tho’ light­nings round me play,
Rough and stormy be my way,
There’s a good time com­ing by and by.


For by faith I see the strand,
Where the beck­on­ing an­gels stand,
With a robe and crown for me,
Mine thro’ all eter­ni­ty;
There’s a good time com­ing by and by.

Here no mor­tal friend will stay,
And up­on the lone­ly way,
Oh, how oft I press with ma­ny a sigh;
Constant comes my Sav­ior’s voice,
Weary pil­grim, now re­joice,
There’s a good time com­ing by and by.


Let the tempt­er in his wrath
Set his min­ions round my path,
Let them seek my wan­ing strength to try;
Need I care how strong they be?
Jesus whis­pers ten­der­ly,
There’s a good time com­ing by and by.


When I reach the ri­ver side,
See the fierce­ly roll­ing tide,
And the rag­ing bil­lows toss­ing high,
Then my joy­ful cry will be,
Je­sus, Sav­ior, pi­lot me,
For the good time now is draw­ing nigh.
