Scripture Verse

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1


Words: George J. Fer­rei­ra, in The King’s Prais­es, by Charles S. Brown (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Unit­ed So­ci­ety of Chris­tian En­dea­vor, 1899), num­ber 8.

Music: Pam­pa­ni­to George J. Fer­rei­ra (🔊 pdf nwc).


When the lit­tle lambs are rov­ing,
Over hill­sides bleak and bare,
Into pas­tures green the shep­herd
Guides them by his ten­der care;
Jesus, Shep­herd, guide our foot­steps
Thro’ the rough and rug­ged way;
Lead us into plea­sant pas­tures,
May we ne­ver from Thee stray.

When the lit­tle lambs are thirst­ing
For the font where grass­es grow,
To the spring the shep­herd leads them
Where the spark­ling wa­ters flow;
Jesus, Shep­herd, gent­ly lead us
To the fount­ain flow­ing free,
Where for all the world is giv­en,
Life and love eter­nal­ly.

When the lamb has strayed and fall­en,
And he hears the cry of pain,
Then the shep­herd binds its bruis­es,
Gives new life and strength again;
Jesus, Shep­herd, heal the bruis­es
Made by sin when­e’er we fall;
Into Thy good care and keep­ing
May we give our­selves, our all.