Scripture Verse

Narrow is the way which leadeth unto life. Matthew 7:14


Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., 1903.

Music: Ed­win O. Ex­cell (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Oat­man,

Edwin O. Excell (1851–1921)


I am on the Gos­pel high­way,
Pressing for­ward to the goal,
Where for me a rest re­main­eth
In the home­land of the soul;
Every hour I’m mov­ing on­ward,
Not a mo­ment to de­lay;
I am going home to glo­ry
In the good old-fa­shioned way.


In the good old-fa­shioned way,
In the good old-fa­shioned way,
I am go­ing home to glo­ry
In the good old-fa­shioned way.

From the snares of sin­ful plea­sure,
Here my feet are al­ways free;
Tho’ the way may be called nar­row,
It is wide enough for me;
It was wide enough for Da­ni­el,
And for Da­vid in his day;
I am glad that I can fol­low
In the good old-fa­shioned way.


Many friends have gone be­fore me,
They have laid their ar­mor down,
With the pil­grims and the mar­tyrs
Have ob­tained the robe and crown;
On this road they fought their bat­tles,
Shouting vic­to­ry day by day;
I shall ov­er­come and join them
In the good old-fa­shioned way.


Just a few more steps to fol­low,
Just a few more days to roam;
But the way grows more de­light­ful
As I’m draw­ing near­er home;
When the storms of life are ov­er,
And the clouds have rolled away,
I shall find the gates of Hea­ven,
In the good old-fa­shioned way.


Then palms of vic­tory,
Crowns of glo­ry,
Palms of vic­to­ry I shall wear.