Scripture Verse

Good tidings of great joy. Luke 2:10


John C. Ryle (1816–1900)

Words: John C. Ryle (1816–1900).

Music: Ryle James Mc­Gra­na­han, 1878 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this song was writ­ten,

James McGranahan



Good news from Heav’n, good news for thee,
There flows a par­don, full and free,
To guil­ty sin­ners, through the blood
Of the in­car­nate Son of God;
He paid the debt that thou didst owe,
He suf­fered death for thee be­low,
He bore the wrath di­vine for thee,
He groaned and bled on Cal­va­ry.


Good news from Heav’n, good news for thee,
There flows a par­don, full and free,
To guil­ty sin­ners, through the blood
Of the in­car­nate Son of God.

Good news from Heav’n, good news for thee,
The Sav­ior cries, Come un­to Me
All ye who toil, with fears op­pressed;
Come, wea­ry one, oh, come and rest.

He loves thee with o’er­flow­ing love,
He hears thy pray­er in Heav’n above,
He all thy pas­ture shall pre­pare,
And lead thee with a shep­herd’s care.


Good news from Heav’n, good news for thee,
Has echoed from eter­ni­ty;
And loud shall our ho­san­nas ring,
When with the ran­somed throng we sing.
Worthy the Lamb, whose pre­cious blood
Has made us kings and priests to God;
Our harps we’ll tune to nob­lest strains,
And glo­ry give to Him who reigns.
