Scripture Verse

We declare unto you glad tidings. Acts 13:32


Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)

Words: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1889.

Music: Black Hills Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

When [Dwight] Moo­dy was first called to preach a fu­ne­ral ser­mon, he searched the Bi­ble to find where Je­sus had preached ser­mons of that kind. In­stead of find­ing one, he found that Je­sus had turned ev­ery fun­er­al He at­tend­ed from a time of mourn­ing to one of re­joic­ing, for He said, I am the Res­ur­rec­tion and the Life. Mr. Moo­dy in re­ferr­ing to this said, Is it not good news? which sug­gest­ed the words of this hymn.

Peter Bil­horn


Jesus died for you and me,
Is it not good news?
Now there’s par­don full and free,
Is it not good news?
On the cross our sins He bore,
That on Heav’n’s eter­nal shore,
We might live for­ev­er­more,
Is it not good news?

It is fin­ished, Je­sus said,
Is it not good news?
Sin and death are cap­tive led,
Is it not good news?
In the grave our Sav­ior laid,
And the last great tri­bute paid,
Free the sac­ri­fice He made,
Is it not good news?

From the grave the Sav­ior rose,
Is it not good news?
Gained the vic­to­ry o’er His foes,
Is it not good news?
Christ the law did sa­tis­fy,
Christ as­cend­ed up on high,
We shall meet Him by and by,
Is it not good news?

Now He pleads for us on high,
Is it not good news?
Pleads that we may ne­ver die,
Is it not good news?
Soon He’ll come to claim His own,
All who trust in Him alone,
We shall ga­ther round His throne,
Is it not good news?