Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness.
Psalm 65:11
Words: Minot J. Savage, in The Shining River, by Henry Perkins & William O. Perkins (New York; Boston, Massachusetts & Chicago, Illinois: Oliver Ditson, 1875), page 115, alt.
Music: Kearney Henry S. Perkins, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).
The sleigh bells jingle in their glee,
The joyous children shout;
And so with harmless revelry,
The good old year goes out;
For God, who in the year gone by
Hath blessed us every day,
And led us through its flowery path,
And winter’s snowy way.
The sleigh bells jingle in their glee,
The joyous children shout;
And so with harmless revelry,
The good old year goes out.
Our hearts are merry as the bells,
While, with our voices clear,
We sing the song that hope foretells,
And welcome the New Year.
For God, who in the year gone by
Did bless us every day,
Will lead us in the steps we take
Along our forward way.
Then jingle, jingle, clear and sweet,
Each voice and bell in tune;
The years run on with hurrying feet,
Now winter, and now June.
But God doth give us all the year,
And all the years we’ll sing,
They lead us to a country where
The whole year long is spring.