Scripture Verse

Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Words: Ma­ry A. Kid­der, in Hea­ven­ly Ech­oes, by Hor­ace Wa­ters (New York: C. M. Tre­maine, 1867), page 3.

Music: Su­san M. Park­hurst (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kid­der or Park­hurst (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Have you pain, or care, or sor­row?
Go to Je­sus;
Are you doubt­ful of the mor­row?
Go to Je­sus;
While be­fore His face you bend,
Tell Him as you would a friend,
All your tri­als to the end,
Blessèd Je­sus.

Are you tired of earth­ly plea­sures?
Go to Je­sus;
Do you long for heav’n­ly trea­sures?
Go to Je­sus;
He will cleanse your heart of sin,
He will make you pure with­in,
Helping you the crown to win,
Blessèd Je­sus.

Have you lost a lov­ing mo­ther?
Go to Je­sus;
Have you nei­ther friend or bro­ther?
Go to Je­sus;
He will sweet­ly bid you rest,
On His kind and gen­tle breast,
He who do­eth all things best;
Blessèd Je­sus.