Scripture Verse

I…saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven. Revelation 21:2


Words & Mu­sic: James R. Mur­ray, in The Prize, ed­it­ed by George F. Root (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Root & Ca­dy, 1870), num­ber 169 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James R. Murray (1841–1905)


See the gold­en sun­light,
O’er the mount­ains beam­ing,
Bringing to the world the bright pro­phet­ic day;
Chasing all the sha­dows,
All the drea­ry sha­dows,
Of the night of death and dark­ness far away.


Hail we now the gold­en time,
Hail the days our eyes have longed to see;
Send the sound through ev­ery clime,
’Tis the day of ju­bi­lee.

See the gold­en pro­mise
Of the pro­phet’s vi­sion
Coming to its glo­ry in this day and hour;
Coming in its new­ness,
Coming in its true­ness,
Coming in its ma­jes­ty and with great pow­er.


See the gold­en ci­ty
From the clouds des­cend­ing
While be­fore its com­ing er­ror flies away;
See the won­drous glo­ry
From its por­tals stream­ing,
Now in­deed is come the ev­er­last­ing day.
