Scripture Verse

Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward. Exodus 14:15


A. Robert Edgar (1850–1914)

Words: Ro­bert Ed­gar, in Songs of the Bi­ble, ed­it­ed by Will­iam A. Og­den & Alon­zo J. Ab­bey (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Per­kin­pine & Hig­gins, 1873), page 26.

Music: Ro­bert E. Cow­den (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert E. Cowden (1833–1922)


O child­ren, go forward,
Tho’ dan­ger sur­rounds you,
Tho’ foes press up­on you
In bat­tle ar­ray;
Your lead­er is pre­sent,
And He will pro­tect you,
The vic­t’ry is cer­tain,
You must win the day.


Go for­ward! Go for­ward!
Tho’ foes press up­on you
In bat­tle array;
Your lead­er is pre­sent,
And He will pro­tect you;
The vic­t’ry is cer­tain,
You must win the day.

The Lord is your guide, He
Will ev­er de­fend you,
Tho’ sins as a host seek
Your soul to de­stroy;
His pil­lar of fire
Will sure­ly en­fold you,
Your glo­ry and re­fuge
From all that an­noy.


Then child­ren, take cou­rage,
Strike hard for the Mas­ter,
A fight is be­fore you,
A race to be run;
Let blow fol­low blow, let
Each step still be fast­er,
Christ waits to com­mend you,
Good ser­vants, well done.


Then ever press for­ward,
And ever look up­ward,
Dark wa­ters shall cover
Your foes ev­er­more;
The sea of Christ’s blood rolls
Eternally on­ward,
Your safe­guard and guide on
The Con­quer­or’s shore.
