Scripture Verse

He left not himself without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. Acts 14:17


Words: Ot­ti­well Heg­in­bo­thom (1744–1768).

Music: Hors­ley Will­iam Hors­ley, 1844 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Heg­in­bo­thom (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William Horsley (1774–1858)


God of our life! Thy va­ri­ous praise
Let mor­tal voic­es sound;
Thy hand re­volves our fleet­ing days,
And brings the sea­sons round.

To Thee shall an­nu­al in­cense rise,
Our Fa­ther and our friend;
While an­nu­al mer­cies from the skies
In ge­ni­al streams des­cend.

In ev­ery scene of life, Thy care,
In ev­ery age, we see;
And con­stant as Thy fa­vors are,
So let our prais­es be.

Still may Thy love, in ev­ery scene,
To ev­ery age ap­pear;
And let the same com­pas­sion deign
To bless the op­en­ing year.

O keep this fool­ish heart of mine
From an­xious pass­ions free,
Teach me each com­fort to re­sign,
And trust my all to Thee.

If mer­cy smile, let mer­cy bring
My wan­der­ing soul to God;
And in af­flict­ion I shall sing,
If Thou wilt bless the rod.