Scripture Verse

Rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2


Words & Mu­sic: Mark D. Us­se­ry, 1913 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Us­se­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Tho’ I once was lost in sin,
I am found, I am found!
And I’m on the up­ward way,
I am glo­ry bound!
In the Sav­ior’s ten­der care,
I am kept from ev­ery snare;
O there’s glad­ness ev­ery­where,
I’m glo­ry bound!


Glory bound! glo­ry bound!
There is glad­ness in my soul,
I’m glo­ry bound!
Glory bound! glo­ry bound!
O there’s glad­ness in my soul,
I’m glo­ry bound!

I heard Je­sus’ lov­ing voice,
Joyful sound, joy­ful sound!
And I made Him then my choice,
I am glo­ry bound!
Joy and glad­ness thrills my soul,
As His name I here ex­tol;
Blessèd thought! He made me whole,
I’m glo­ry bound!


Bright the sun­light of His love,
All around, all around,
Wafts my soul to Heav’n above,
I am glo­ry bound!
When my jour­ney here is o’er,
On some bright and hap­py shore,
I will praise Him ev­er­more,
I’m glo­ry bound!
