Scripture Verse

Save, Lord: let the King hear us when we call. Psalm 20:9


Words: Un­known au­thor, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern.

Music: Death Will­iam H. Monk (1823–1889) (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Monk (1823–1889)


God the Fa­ther, God the Son,
God the Spir­it, Three in One,
Hear us from Thy heav­en­ly throne,
Spare us, Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty.

Jesu, life of those who die,
Advocate with God on high,
Hope of im­mor­tal­ity,
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

Thou whose death to mor­tals gave
Power to tri­umph o’er the grave,
Living now from death to save,
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

Thou be­fore whose great white throne
All our do­ings must be shown,
Pleading now for us Thine own,
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

Thou whose death was borne that we,
From the pow­er of Sa­tan free,
Might not die eter­nal­ly,
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

Thou who dost a place pre­pare,
That in heav­en­ly man­sions fair
Sinners may Thy glo­ry share
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

We are dy­ing day by day,
Soon from earth we pass away;
Lord of Life, to Thee we pray:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

Ere we hear the an­gel’s call,
And the sha­dows round us fall,
Be our Sav­ior, be our all;
Hear us, holy Je­su.

Wean our hearts from things be­low,
Make us all Thy love to know,
Guard from our ghost­ly foe:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

Shelter us with an­gel’s wing,
To our souls Thy par­don bring;
So shall death have lost its sting:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

In the gloom Thy light pro­vide;
Safely through the val­ley guide;
Thee we trust, for Thou hast died;
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

When Thy sum­mons we ob­ey
On the dread­ful Judg­ment Day,
Let not fear our souls dis­may:
Hear us, holy Je­su.

While the lost in ter­ror fly,
May we see with joy­ful eye
Our re­demp­tion draw­ing nigh:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

May we see Thee on Thy throne
As the Sav­ior we have known,
And have fol­lowed as our own:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

May we then, among the blest
Who Thy name on earth con­fessed,
Hear Thee call­ing us to rest,
Hear us, ho­ly Je­su.

From the aw­ful place of doom,
Where in ray­less out­er gloom
Dead souls lie as in a tomb,
Save us, ho­ly Je­su.

From the black, the dull des­pair
Ruined men and an­gels share,
From the dread com­pan­ions there,
Save us, holy Je­su.

From the un­known ago­nies
Of the soul that help­less lies,
From the worm that ne­ver dies,
Save us, ho­ly Je­su.

From the lusts that none can tame,
From the fierce mys­ter­ious flame,
From the ev­er­last­ing shame,
Save us, ho­ly Je­su.

Where Thy saints in glo­ry reign,
Free from sor­row, free from pain,
Pure from ev­ery guil­ty stain,
Bring us, ho­ly Je­su.

Where the cap­tives find re­lease,
Where all foes from troub­ling cease,
Where the wea­ry rest in peace,
Bring us, ho­ly Je­su.

Where the plea­sures ne­ver cloy,
Where in an­gels’ ho­ly joy
Thy re­deemed their pow­ers em­ploy,
Bring us, ho­ly Je­su.

Where in won­drous light are shown
All Thy deal­ings with Thine own,
Who shall know as they are known,
Bring us, ho­ly Je­su.

Where, with loved ones gone be­fore,
We may love Thee and ad­ore
In Thy pre­sence ev­er­more,
Bring us, ho­ly Je­su.