Scripture Verse

Peace, be still. Mark 4:39


Words: An­drew J. Mann, in The Won­der­ful Sto­ry in Song, by Fred­er­ick A. Fill­more (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: F. L. Rowe, 1917), num­ber 117.

Music: Sa­moa An­drew J. Mann, 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mann (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Christ Stilling the Storm
Bernhard Plockhorst (1825–1907)

There lived a man in Ga­li­lee,
Who spoke and calmed the trou­bled sea,
His fear­ful ones from death to save,
Beneath the ang­ry, roll­ing wave.
O trem­bling soul, on tem­pest tossed,
Amid life’s ang­ry break­ers lost,
In tri­als sore, in good or ill,
He speaks to thee His Peace, be still.

There lived a man in Ga­li­lee,
Who spoke as with au­tho­ri­ty,
Of things on earth, of Hea­ven ab­ove,
Of God, the Fa­ther, and His love.
He speaks to­day, His word hath pow­er,
To save us in each try­ing hour;
A light it is to light our way,
Until we reach the per­fect day.

There lived a man in Ga­li­lee,
Who caused the grop­ing blind to see,
Who healed the sick, and raised the dead,
With loaves and fish­es, thou­sands fed.
He lives to­day, He lives to bless
The blind, the hun­gry and dis­tressed;
He is the Bread come down from Heav’n,
He is the on­ly Sav­ior giv’n.

There lived a man in Ga­li­lee,
Who gave His life for you and me,
The cru­el death, the cross He bore,
That we might live for­ev­er­more.
He lives, He reigns, He speaks to­day,
I am the life, the truth, the way;
Come un­to Me, you shall be blest
Unto your souls I’ll give sweet rest.