Scripture Verse

Many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 8:11


Magnus B. Landstad

Words: Mag­nus B. Land­stad, Kir­ke­sal­me­bog, 1861 (Der man­ge skal kom­me fra øst og fra vest). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by Peer O. Ström­me, 1909.

Music: Stock­holm Rid­dar­holms­kyrk­an hand­skriv­na Kor­al­bok, 1694 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Peer O. Strömme (1856–1960)


Full ma­ny shall come from the east and the west
And sit at the feast of sal­va­tion,
With Ab­ra­ham, Is­aac, and Ja­cob the blest,
Obeying the Lord’s in­vi­ta­tion.
Have mer­cy upon us, O Je­sus!

But they who have al­ways re­sist­ed His grace
And on their own vir­tue de­pend­ed
Shall then be con­demned and cast out from His face,
Eternally lost and un­friend­ed.
Have mer­cy up­on us, O Je­sus!

May we too give heed when our Sav­ior doth call
In ac­cents per­sua­sive and ten­der,
And may we be guests at His feast, one and all,
Our praise and obei­sance to ren­der.
Have mer­cy up­on us, O Je­sus!

Oh, that we the throng of the ran­somed may swell,
To whom He hath grant­ed re­mis­sion!
God gra­cious­ly make us in Hea­ven to dwell
And save us from end­less per­di­tion.
Have mer­cy upon us, O Je­sus!

God grant that I may of His in­fi­nite love
Remain in His mer­ci­ful keep­ing
And sit with the King at His ta­ble above
When here in the grave I am sleep­ing.
Have mer­cy up­on us, O Je­sus!

Then end­ed will be, like a dream that is past,
All tri­al and trou­ble and sor­row;
All ques­tions and doubts will be an­swered at last,
When dawn­eth eter­ni­ty’s mor­row.
Have mer­cy up­on us, O Je­sus!

Then Hea­ven will ring with an an­them more grand
Than ev­er on earth was re­cord­ed,
When all of the saved shall re­ceive at His hand
The crown to the vic­tors award­ed.
Have mer­cy up­on us, O Je­sus!

The Caravan of Abraham
James Tissot (1836–1902)