Scripture Verse

Unto Thy name give glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth’s sake. Psalm 115:1


Words: Hen­ry Down­ton, 1841.

Music: St. Aus­tell Ar­thur H. Brown, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Down­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Arthur H. Brown (1830–1926)


For Thy mer­cy and Thy grace,
Constant through an­oth­er year,
Hear our song of thank­ful­ness;
Jesus, our Re­deem­er, hear.

Lo! our sins on Thee we cast,
Thee, our per­fect sac­ri­fice;
And, for­get­ting all the past,
Press to­wards our glo­ri­ous prize.

Dark the fu­ture: let Thy light
Guide us, bright and morn­ing Star:
Fierce our foes, and hard the fight;
Arm us, Sav­ior, for the war.

In our weak­ness and dis­tress,
Rock of strength, be Thou our stay;
In the path­less wild­er­ness
Be our true and liv­ing Way.

Who of us death’s aw­ful road
In the com­ing year shall tread?
With Thy rod and staff, O God,
Comfort Thou his dy­ing bed.

Keep us faith­ful, keep us pure,
Keep us ev­er­more Thine own;
Help, O help us to en­dure;
Fit us for the pro­mised crown.

So with­in Thy pa­lace gate
We shall praise, on gold­en strings,
Thee the on­ly po­ten­tate,
Lord of lords, and King of kings.