Scripture Verse

God Himself is with us for our captain. 2 Chronicles 13:12


Words: Frank­lin D. Barnes, 1898. Ap­peared in The Gold­en Sheaf (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ad­vent Chris­tian Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1902), num­ber 66.

Music: The Tooth of Time Frank­lin D. Barnes (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Barnes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Forward be our watch­word,
Onward in His name;
Faithful in His ser­vice,
Ever true r­emain;
Jesus is our lead­er,
At our ar­my’s head;
Never shrink nor fa­lter,
By our cap­tain led;
Soon the war­fare ov­er,
Ended death and pain,
We with Christ for­ev­er,
In His king­dom reign.

Forward be our watch­word,
In His ar­my joined;
Marching on to con­quest,
Not a look b­ehind;
Onward to the co­nflict,
Trusting in His name,
He will lead His peo­ple,
And His cause main­tain.
Jesus is our cap­tain;
He our faith­ful guide,
If we on­ly trust Him,
And in Him ab­ide.

Come and join the ar­my
Of our Lord and king;
Volunteers He call­eth,
Hearts and voic­es bring;
Giving time and ser­vice
To our gra­cious God;
Who, in love and mer­cy,
Seeks our last­ing good.
Come, and He will keep you
In His bless­èd way;
He will lead you un­to
Realms of end­less day.