Scripture Verse

The star…went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. Matthew 2:9


Elsie D. Yale (1873–1956)

Words: El­sie D. Yale, 1911.

Music: C. Har­old Low­den (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a better pho­to of Low­den,

Carl H. Lowden (1883–1963)


Star in beau­ty beam­ing,
On the sha­dowed plain,
O’er the val­leys gleam­ing,
Pour thy gold­en rain.
Shine in roy­al splen­dor,
Pilgrims hi­ther bring.
Shed thy ra­di­ance ten­der,
On the new­born King.


Following the star,
Following the star,
Joyfully we jour­ney,
Pilgrims from afar.
Led by light ce­les­ti­al,
’Neath the starry skies,
March along with joy­ful song,
To where Mes­si­ah lies.

Star of light su­per­nal,
Lead along the way,
For the King eter­nal
Comes to earth to­day.
Deserts may be drea­ry,
Yet we joy­ful sing;
Can our feet be wea­ry,
Hastening to our king?


Star of fade­less glo­ry,
By thy won­drous rays
Earth shall know the sto­ry,
Her Re­deem­er praise.
Thro’ the dark and dan­ger,
Faith our feet shall wing,
Till we reach the man­ger,
Till we see our king.
