Scripture Verse

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life. 1 Timothy 6:12


Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)

Words: Ci­vil­la D. Mar­tin, in Voic­es of Vic­to­ry, by Pe­ter Bil­horn (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1912), num­ber 169.

Music: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn (🔊 pdf nwc). Note: Voic­es of Vic­tory gives the com­pos­er’s name as C. Far­ris [Fer­ris] Hol­den, one of Bil­horn’s pseu­do­nyms.

Civilla D. Martin (1866–1948)


In the fight of faith en­gag­ing,
Where the bat­tle fierce is rag­ing,
Going forth be­neath the roy­al ban­ner: Love.
Not a word of sad re­pin­ing,
With your ar­mor bright­ly shin­ing,
Clothed with pow­er from above.


On, on, keep your ar­mor bright,
On, on, sol­diers of the light;
For the vic­tory of Heav­en
To the faith­ful will be giv­en,
Who are fight­ing for the right.

Going where your cap­tain leads you,
True to Him where’er He needs you,
Let your high­est plea­sure be to fol­low on;
If you’re true when friends op­press you,
True when men shall curse, not bless you,
You shall wear the vic­tor’s crown.


When the roll is called in Heav­en,
Crowns of life to men are giv­en,
If you fight the fight of faith while here be­low;
To the joys that are eter­nal,
To the life for­ev­er ver­nal,
With your cap­tain you may go.
