Scripture Verse

God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5


Words: Eli­za­beth Wil­son & Hel­en Tho­burn, 1913.

Music: Al­ba­ny J. Al­bert Jef­fe­ry, 1886 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wil­son, Tho­burn or Jef­fe­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Father of lights,
In whom there is no sha­dow,
Giver of ev­ery good and per­fect gift!
With one ac­cord we seek Thy ho­ly pre­sence,
Gladly our hearts to Thee in praise we lift.

Glad for the cause
That binds our lives to­ge­ther,
Through Thee unit­ed, wor­ship­ing as one;
Glad for the crown­ing gift that Thou hast giv­en,
Sending, to light the world, Thine on­ly Son.

Light of the world,
Through whom we know the Fa­ther!
Pour out up­on us Thine abid­ing love,
That we may know its depth and height and splen­dor,
That Hea­ven may come to earth from Hea­ven above.

Thou art the Christ!
To Thee we own al­le­giance.
May our de­vo­tion sweep from sea to sea,
Even as we, the gift from Thee re­ceiv­ing,
Joyfully mi­nis­ter that gift for Thee.