Scripture Verse

The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. Romans 10:12


Christopher Wordsworth (1807–1885)

Words: Chris­to­pher Words­worth, The Ho­ly Year (Lon­don: Riv­ing­tons, 1862), num­ber 54, alt.

Music: Carls­ru­he Mel­chi­or Vul­pi­us, 1609 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Vul­pi­us (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Father, we hum­bly pray
To Thee, in whom we live;
Our count­less sins, for Je­su’s sake,
Forgive, O Lord, for­give.

We have un­thank­ful been
For all Thy ten­der care;
Thine in­dig­na­tion we de­serve;
But spare, O Fa­ther, spare.

The crea­tures of Thy hand
Made for Thy glo­ry are;
But we those crea­tures have abused;
Spare us, O Fa­ther, spare.

From plague and pes­ti­lence,
From fa­mine, fire, and sword,
From flood and storm, from dearth and drought,
Deliver us, O Lord.

From hard and stub­born hearts,
Scorning Thy ho­ly Word,
From dis­cord, strife, and he­re­sy,
Deliver us, O Lord.

With ge­ni­al rains and dews
Temper the circ­ling year,
With gold­en sun­shine and fresh breeze;
Hear us, O Fa­ther, hear,

Sheepfolds and gar­ners fill,
The home­stead and the stall;
Orchards and gar­dens crown with fruits,
Maker and Lord of all.

Love in our house­holds breathe;
Hearts rea­dy to ob­ey
As in Thy sight, and as to Thee,
Give us, O Lord, we pray.

Bless, Lord, our gra­cious Queen,
With Thy best boun­ties bless;
Grant her a long and glo­ri­ous reign
In peace and qui­et­ness.

Bless, Lord, Thy ho­ly Church,
With heav’n­ly graces bless.
That it may flour­ish and abound
In love and god­li­ness.

Bishops and cler­gy bless;
Holy, and grave, and wise,
Faithful and zea­lous may they be
In all their min­is­tries.

Our an­cient min­sters bless,
Where deep-toned or­gans peal;
And vil­lage church­es ’mong the trees,
Where peace­ful pea­sants kneel.

Our schools of learn­ing bless,
Our col­leges and halls;
May pi­ety and wis­dom dwell
Ever with­in their walls!

Counsel in sen­ates give,
Justice and law main­tain;
And make con­ten­tment in all hearts
And loy­al­ty to reign.

Our fleets and ar­mies bless
With cour­age from on high;
And in all just and right­eous wars
Give them the vic­to­ry.

The wi­dow de­so­late,
The child­ren fa­ther­less,
All who in grief and sor­row are,
Comfort, O Lord, and bless.

The err­ing and in sin,
All, Lord, who from Thee stray,
Bring them, O bring them back again
To Thy most ho­ly way.

All who to hea­then climes
Go forth and preach Thy Word,
Bearing glad tid­ings of good things,
Speed them, and help them, Lord.

May all who sit in gloom
Thy glo­ri­ous light behold,
One faith, one Fa­ther, and one Lord,
One Shep­herd, and one fold!

So may we all with Christ
To high­est Heav’n as­cend,
And hal­le­lu­jahs sing to Thee
In glo­ry with­out end.