Scripture Verse

I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat. Exodus 25:22


Words: John Tay­lor, in Se­lect­ion of Hymns for So­cial Wor­ship, by Will­iam En­field (Nor­wich, Eng­land: 1795), num­ber 71.

Music: Wen­dell Irv­ing Em­er­son, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Tay­lor or Em­er­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Far from mor­tal cares re­treat­ing,
Sordid hopes and fond de­sires,
Here, our will­ing foot­steps meet­ing,
Every heart to Heav’n as­pires.
From the fount of glo­ry beam­ing,
Light ce­les­tial cheers our eyes;
Mercy from above pro­claim­ing
Peace and par­don in the skies.

Who may share this great sal­va­tion?
Every pure and hum­ble mind;
Every kin­dred, tongue and na­tion,
From the dross of guilt re­fined:
Blessings all around be­stowing,
God with­holds His care from none;
Grace and mer­cy ev­er flow­ing
From the fount­ain of His throne.

Every stain of guilt ab­hor­ring,
Firm and bold in vir­tue’s cause,
Still Thy pro­vi­dence ador­ing,
Faithful sub­jects to Thy laws.
Lord! with fa­vor still at­tend us,
Bless us with Thy won­drous love;
Thou, our sun and shield, de­fend us:
All our hope is from above.