Scripture Verse

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9:2


Words & Mu­sic: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, Mis­sion­ary Songs (New York: Lo­renz, 1880) (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals show the ly­ri­cist as E. D. Mund, one of Lo­renz’ pseu­do­nyms.

Edmund S. Lorenz


Far, far, ov­er the sea,
Nations wait in ago­ny;
Come, come, ov­er the sea,
Bring the light, let dark­ness flee.
Dark the sha­dows round them fall,
Gloom and hor­ror co­ver all;
Vainly grope their souls for light,
Hope ne’er cheers their ray­less night.


Far, far, ov­er the sea,
Nations wait in ago­ny;
Come, come, over the sea,
Bring the light, let dark­ness flee.

Far, far, over the sea,
Souls la­ment sin’s ty­ran­ny;
Fly, fly, ov­er the sea,
Bring the Gos­pel, set them free.
Chained by sin in dun­geons vile,
Scourged by pass­ions fierce the while;
Vexed by su­per­sti­tion’s blight,
Vain their trust in ev­il rite.


Far, far, ov­er the sea,
Bring sweet an­swer to their plea;
Ring, ring, ov­er the sea,
Loud the notes of Ju­bi­lee.
Gospel light brings full re­lease,
Cries of pain shall end in peace;
Prayer and song shall soon re­sound
All the joy­ous earth around.
