Scripture Verse

There we saw the giants. Numbers 13:33


Arthur McKee (1891–1953)

Words: Paul Ra­der, 1918.

Music: Ar­thur W. Mc­Kee (🔊 pdf nwc).

Paul Rader (1878–1938)


I’ve en­tered the land dear­ly bought by His blood,
Passed over Jor­dan, sur­ren­dered to God;
I’ve found His suf­fi­cien­cy here in this land,
Glory to Je­sus for­ev­er!


Far, far on the oth­er side,
I’m liv­ing across the ri­ver,
Burned are the bridg­es ’twixt me and the world,
Glory to Je­sus for­ev­er!

The gi­ants are con­quered the spies said were here,
Jesus is vic­tor, I need have no fear;
Summer in win­ter and joy all the year,
Glory to Je­sus for­ev­er!


The man­na is gone and the corn is my food,
Dead to the world and I’m liv­ing in God;
I’ve ceased say­ing can’t
Since I found that He could—
Glory to Je­sus for­ev­er!
