Scripture Verse

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Hebrews 11:7


Thomas Campbell (1777–1844)
Wikimedia Commons

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Sa­gi­na Tho­mas Camp­bell, Bou­quet 1825 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Susan H. Peterson (1950–2004)


Faith means we’re sure of what we hope to get;
We’re cer­tain of the things that we do not see.
By faith we know that God made the world;
What’s here now was not made
From what was seen.
Abel by faith of­fered God a bet­ter sac­ri­fice;
And Enoch, too, by faith died not,
But from this life did rise.
Though they are gone, they speak this word:
That with­out faith, none can please the Lord.

It was by faith that No­ah built the ark,
When warned by God of things
That were yet to pass.
Since he had faith, God did spare his life,
And made him an heir of His right­eous­ness.
Abraham, too, when God said
To leave his home behind,
Obeyed and went, though he knew not
The land he was to find.
Though they are gone, they speak this word:
That with­out faith, none can please the Lord.

It was by faith that Abr’ham had a son,
Then of­fered him to God as a sa­cri­fice.
Faith up­held Mos­es in Egypt’s land,
And faith let a lamb pay the first­born’s price.
By faith the peo­ple passed
Through the sea as on dry land,
And faith was why the walls of
Jericho just could not stand.
Though they are gone, they speak this word:
That with­out faith, none can please the Lord.

All these still lived by faith un­til they died,
Receiving not the things
That had been made known.
They on­ly saw them as from afar;
They knew that their coun­try
Was not their own.
God there­fore was not ashamed
To be named as their Lord;
For they be­lieved that He was real
And would their faith re­ward.
Oh, give me faith to trust Your Word,
That by my life I may please You, Lord.