Scripture Verse

We all fade like a leaf. Isaiah 64:6


John S. Camp (1858–1946)

Words: From The Æo­li­an Harp, by Ma­ry E. Her­bert and Sa­rah Her­bert (Ha­li­fax, No­va Sco­tia: E. G. Full­er, 1857), pag­es 35–37, alt. The orig­in­al text had 12 ver­ses, be­gin­ning with “Ay, ev’n as thine, thou wi­thered leaf.

Music: Abid­ing Grace John S. Camp, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ma­ry or Sa­rah Her­bert (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Wikimedia Commons


O, fragile glo­ry of the bow­ers,
Ye fall no more to rise;
But bright and glo­ri­ous hope is ours,
A hope be­yond the skies.

We trust, when fades this fee­ble form,
And low our bo­dies rest,
Beyond the reach of blight or storm,
To bloom among the blest.

He, who be­stowed up­on the tree
The leaves that gai­ly wave,
To man a no­ble des­ti­ny,
A part im­mor­tal gave.

Then he, with faith’s as­pir­ing eye,
Firm fixed on things above,
Might gain at last a home on high,
Through his Re­deem­er’s love.