Scripture Verse

The whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:3


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Is­aac Watts (1674–1748).

Music: Jack­son Tho­mas Jack­son, Twelve Psalm Tunes 1780 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Jack­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Eternal wis­dom! Thee we praise,
Thee the cre­ation sings,
With Thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas,
And Heav­en’s high pal­ace rings.

Thy hand, how wide it spreads the sky!
How glo­ri­ous to behold!
Tinged with a blue of heav­en­ly dye,
And starred with spark­ling gold.

There Thou hast bid the globes of light
Their end­less cir­cles run;
There the pale pla­net rules the night,
The day ob­eys the sun.

If down I turn my won­der­ing eyes
On clouds and storms be­low,
Those un­der-re­gions of the skies
Thy nu­mer­ous glo­ries show.

The noi­sy winds stand rea­dy there
Thy or­ders to ob­ey;
With sound­ing wings they sweep the air,
To make Thy cha­ri­ot way.

There, like a trum­pet loud and strong,
Thy thun­der shakes our coast,
While the red light­nings wave along,
The ban­ners of Thy host.

On the thin air, with­out a prop,
Hang fruit­ful show­ers around;
At Thy com­mand they sink, and drop
Their fat­ness on the ground.

Lo! here Thy won­drous skill ar­rays
The earth in cheer­ful green;
A thou­sand herbs Thy art dis­plays,
A thou­sand flowers be­tween.

There, the rough mount­ains of the deep
Obey Thy strong com­mand,
Thy breath can raise the bil­lows steep,
Or sink them to the sand.

Thy glo­ries blaze all na­ture round,
And strike the won­der­ing sight
Through skies, and seas, and so­lid ground,
With terror and de­light.

Infinite strength and eq­ual skill
Shine through Thy works abroad.
Our souls with vast am­aze­ment fill.
And speak the build­er God.

But the mild glo­ries of Thy grace
Our soft­er pass­ions move;
Pity di­vine in Je­su’s face
We see, adore, and love.

Yosemite Valley, California
Thomas Hill (1829–1908)