Scripture Verse

Eternal judgment. Hebrews 6:2


Words & Mu­sic: An­tho­ny Q. Dy­ess, in The Guid­ing Star, ed­it­ed by Em­mett S. Dean (Wa­co, Tex­as: Trio Mu­sic, 1917) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dy­ess (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When the world with its woes has van­ished,
And the glo­ri­ous dawn shall ap­pear,
Every soul shall be called to judg­ment,
Eternity some­where.


Eternity some­where;
Eternity some­where;
Every soul shall be called to judg­ment,
Eternity some­where.

While the King of all kings is call­ing,
Bidding you His glo­ry to share;
Come to Him and pre­pare for judg­ment,
Eternity some­where.


The re­deemed shall unite with loved ones,
In a home that’s free from all care;
They shall dwell with the Lord, their Sav­ior,
Eternity some­where.
