Scripture Verse

Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 25:30


Words: A. F. Fer­ris, 1891. Re­vised by Le­an­der L. Pick­ett, 1897.

Music: El­la B. Bi­shop (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Fer­ris’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Bi­shop (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O sin­ner, re­mem­ber, though fair be life’s day,
There’s on­ly one step to the tomb;
Thy life like a va­por will soon pass away,
Then com­eth eter­ni­ty’s gloom.


To be lost in the night, in eter­ni­ty’s night,
To sink in des­pair and in woe!
But such is thy doom, if you turn from the light,
Enjoying His mer­cy and love.

On the edge of per­di­tion now blind­ly you tread,
Its fires how fear­ful they gleam;
Ah, soon you will be with the num­ber­less dead,
Where Je­sus can ne­ver re­deem.


Oh, eter­ni­ty’s dark­ness! Its gloom doth af­fright,
No star beams of hope from on high;
No morn­ing shall dawn on the gloom with its light,
There com­eth no sweet by and by.


Oh, eter­ni­ty’s dark­ness now falls on the shore,
The twi­light be­gins to ap­pear;
Soon there will be mer­cy, sweet mer­cy no more,
But dark­ness and death draw­eth nigh.


The Sav­ior is plead­ing; there’s mer­cy to­day,
’Tis Je­sus in­vites you to come;
Oh, flee to His bo­som and walk in His way,
’Twill lead to the hea­ven­ly home.

To be saved from the night, from eter­ni­ty’s night,
And to walk ’mid the splen­dors above!
To dwell in His grace and abide in His light,
Enjoying His mer­cy and love.